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Menfluential Conference
Alpha is officially having a meet-up! It’s the MENfluential Conference! In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro says that you don’t want to just meet him. There’s more value than just meeting and hanging out with Alpha.
You can also meet all of the whos-who of the style vlogosphere. The event is being held February 22nd and 23rd in Atlanta, GA. The event is intimate and being purposefully kept small. It’s also life-changing – every year, Alpha hears stories from people who attended and the friendships that developed.
In today’s world, everyone is so busy. Where do you get a chance to connect with people that are just cool people? There are a lot of men’s experts and conferences, but it’s all about selling products. MENfluential Conference is about friendships and amazing time. There are no sales pitches – it’s all about being a better guy and entrepreneur.
Day One is all about entrepreneurship. If you like the idea working for yourself or are working for yourself, you can avoid speed bumps! Day Two is about personal development and growth. The stories will help you think about yourself and help you get out of your own way & be the best alpha you can. The tickets also include food such as food trucks (days) and mixers (evenings).
They will sell out 2019 like they sold out 2018. Don’t miss out. It’s a great time and you get a lot more out of it than watching videos. It’s about shaking hands with guys that have the same agenda. It’s 6-months away, and it will be here before you know it. It’s better than a meet-up! Go to the website for more information including lodging: Menfluential Conference