If you are still single and older than 25, stop and watch this. The information in this video can change your dating life.
More men than ever are choosing to stay single for various reasons. Dating can be expensive, so staying single is cheaper. Men are working on their careers and want to focus on that to put themselves in a better position later in life. Men also have access to free p^rn and casual hookups.
One day, these men will wake up and be the only one single. All the friends around them will start getting married and having kids. You’ll be the guy they’re trying to set up with their friends or cousins. It gets crazy, and you’ll wonder what you’re doing wrong.
There are three common reasons why guys are still single in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. First, they’re not putting themselves out there. You can’t be staying at home. You need to put yourself in a position to meet somebody. Dating apps are a recipe for disaster. The second reason is men can self-sabotage and be too picky or make excuses due to fear of rejection. Many guys lack the confidence to approach and talk to someone. Being alone and isolated doesn’t allow you to push your boundaries and go outside your comfort zone. The third reason is that many guys lack options, and girls are not up to your standards because you may be average or not super attractive. You may consider them good enough for now but not long-term.
It’s hard for men today to date due to unrealistic dating expectations. Due to social media and all the apps, they can make you feel worse. It’s a trap that fills in the gaps. There’s nothing like actually going out and engaging with people. The casual hookup culture is hurting our society and mentality. It also hurts your body, such as with STDs. Plus, you don’t want to date somebody who’s been with many other dudes.
Social media has caused men to have unrealistic expectations. You see super happy couples who, in reality, aren’t super happy. You think your relationship is supposed to look like that, but it’s not reality. Reality is fights, issues, and dealing with reality.
If you want to attract more than chase, you must prioritize yourself. You can become unstoppable. You can attract high-quality, amazing women who aren’t promiscuous by making yourself the prize. Take better care of your grooming, wear quality and stylish clothing, and ensure your oral hygiene is strong. You need to make a great first impression.
Ensure your body language is strong, with good posture and a solid handshake. Look people in the eye. Take care of your body by going to the gym. Also, make sure your diet is under control. Stop doing self-destructive things like smoking and drinking excessive alcohol. Speaking of alcohol, always going to a bar and thinking you’re going to meet that perfect person isn’t going to happen.
Have high-quality finances. Get them straight and together by having a job, not being lazy, and having a plan. Have actionable steps and a plan, not necessarily a Lambo. Just because people on social media are flashing a lot of cash and doing amazing things doesn’t mean that’s what she expects.
With these actionable steps, you need motivation and discipline. Have a strong purpose to succeed. Get out of your way and stop trying to chase. Being desperate and simping will make you look super unattractive and undesirable. Stop watching p^rn so you can become more motivated and excited. Let that sexual energy intention build.
No matter what society or your friends and family say, if you don’t want to date somebody and don’t think she’s right for you, don’t let anybody talk you into marrying them. Listen to your instincts if you’re dating someone and they’re not right for you. You don’t want to waste time. Meet the person you should be with, and understand that relationships are hard.