Twenty Simple Grooming Tips for Men

July 14, 2014
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Back Hair Removal Made Easy with baKblade
Over the years, Alpha has talked a lot about grooming- from the tip of your toes down to your funky toes nothing has been off limits. Aaron Marino of alpha m. has now compiled a list of 20 essential grooming tip that every guy should know.

Alpha M.’s Top 20 Grooming Tips for Men

  1. wear deodorant every day
  2. trim your pubes 
  3. neck beards are only for rock stars and artists – Beard Grooming Tips
  4. powder your balls
  5. less is more with cologne
  6. invest in a Norelco facial hair grooming tool
  7. ear hair needs to be attended to
  8. trim your nose hair every week
  9. trim your toes nails every week in the summer / every other week in the winter
  10. wash your face in the morning
  11. exfoliate your face at night
  12. apply facial moisturizer after #10 and #11
  13. if you have back hair, buy a baKblade
  14. eyebrows– you need two of them
  15. wet wipes rock and keep your butt squeaky clean
  16. don’t be a cheap-ass- invest in high quality tweezers
  17. if your mouth tastes badly, your breath stinks
  18. handle your dandruff with Neutrogena T-Gel
  19. don’t go too long between hair cuts (short hair every 3 -4 weeks / medium every 4 – 6 weeks)
  20. love and groom your beard

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Taper and fade haircuts have become synonymous with timeless style and versatility, offering men a range of options to express their personality while maintaining a polished appearance. But understanding the nuances between each is crucial before you plop down in that barber’s chair if you truly want to nail the hairstyle you’re going for!

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Aaron Marino (alpha m.) is the number 1 men’s lifestyle influencer with over 8 million followers combined across multiple social media channels.

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